5. How do I add an entry for my property?
You do need to Register before adding a property to our databases. Complete the registration form with your name etc. You may then add your entry with details of the property. If you have already registered click here for cottages or for hotels.6. How do I complete the entry form?
Certain fields such as price name of property etc. are mandatory, although pictures are optional. However we would recommend that you have at least one image (no more than 400 pixels in width), normally the jpeg format is best for photographs, although an image with limited colours can be loaded as a gif. You may upload the image directly from your own computer, use the browse button. Instructions for completing the form are shown next to each field; it is as well to have a description of your property already drafted ready to paste into the description box in the form.
7. Can I complete the entry form off-line?
The form may be completed off-line but you must re-connect before submitting it with the "continue" button.
8. Reviewing and saving your entry with a password
After you have reviewed your entry you will then need to save it with a suitable password, You will need to remember it when you next edit your entry. It is likely that you will be given a different password when your entry is transferred to the most suitable database. You will be contacted by us to discuss which will best suit your requirements.